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Seven Reasons to Purchase a High-Efficiency Furnace

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Reasons to Buy a High-Efficiency Furnace

There are many reasons why high-efficiency furnaces are worth the cost. High-efficiency furnaces cost more at first, but you will experience significant savings in utility bills and an improvement in your home's comfort. A high-efficiency gas furnace is often referred to as a condensing furnace. Unlike traditional furnaces, this heating [Continue Reading ]

2024-06-29T08:20:52+00:00October 28, 2021|

What Happens If My Air Conditioner Isn’t Level?

Whether you’re getting a new air conditioner or wanting to maximize your current one, having it level is key. Air conditioners are typically placed on concrete pads. As time passes, the pad could crack, shift or sink. This can cause malfunctions and even premature replacement. Let’s go over some of [Continue Reading ]

2024-06-29T08:40:08+00:00August 23, 2021|
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